Join 200 Startup Founders, Deep Tech Investors, and Computing Experts for a one-day conference about shaping the future of computing—from quantum computing and AI chips all the way to novel semiconductor materials and chip interconnects 🤖⚛️⚡️🧠🌐

Your chance to see and meet computing start-ups from all over Europe – with a high concentration of silicon experts, several inspiring keynotes, and lots of time for networking

Pitching Startups

Would you like to pitch your computing startup?
Please get in touch with us!

Sponsors & Partners


Benjamin Wolba

Founder @

Carrie Baptist

Chief Strategy Officer @ Conception X

Jordan Billiald

Deeptech Investor @ IQ Capital

Sean Redmond

Managing Partner @ Silicon Catalyst UK

Gabriele Papievyte

Head of Ventures @ XTX Ventures